
Soviet Soviet: “Naša glazba je instinktivna”

Vrijeme čitanja: 5 minute

Volimo promovirati mlade neafirmirane glazbenike pa smo vam tako predstavili već podosta hrvatskih i regionalnih izvođača, a sada je vrijeme da čujete nešto i o inozemnim bendovima. Ovog puta vam predstavljamo friški talijanski bend Soviet Soviet koji smo zamolili da ispriča nešto o sebi, stoga krenimo. Na pitanja nam je odgovarao bubnjar Alessandro.

Predstavite se hrvatskoj publici, recite nam malo više o sebi, kako je bend počeo svirati?

Mi smo Soviet Soviet, tri prijatelja koji vole zajedno svirati.Dolazimo iz Pesara u Italiji, a svirati smo počeli u ljeto 2009. godine.

Otkud dolazi ime benda? Moramo reći da je pomalo neobično.

Nije politički, samo nam se sviđa kako zvuči i kako se ponavlja.

Svirate vrlo specifični žanr, post-punk, koji je bio jako popularan u osamdesetima. Otkud vam ideja za to?

Naša glazba je instinktivna. Na početku nismo razmišljali o žanru, svirali smo zajedno godinu dana na probama i rezultat je ovo.

Mislite li da će se post-punk vratiti budući da se u zadnje vrijeme pojavilo dosta bendova koji ga sviraju u nešto modernijoj verziji, ali i dalje sa starinskim štihom? Na primjer Savages, što mislite o njima, one su dosta popularne?

Mislim da je to odlično u glazbi, možeš svirati sve žanrove na drukčiji način i možeš ubaciti nešto svoje. Sve ovisi kako na to gledaš. Sviđaju mi se Savages.

Kad već pričamo o post-punku, zanima nas što misliš o post-punk revival (bendovima poput Interpola, The Strokesa, The Vinesa, itd.)? Je li to zaista post-punk revival ili nešto drugo? Smatrate li sebe dijelom tog pokreta?

Mogu vam na ovo pitanje odgovoriti isto kao i na prethodno. Ne volim razmišljati o žanrovima u glazbi. Postoji više točki gledišta. Imaš bend i njihov način kako sviraju glazbu. Možeš pronaći utjecaje, a to je normalno zato što smo odrasli slušajući puno CD-a i vinila. Važno je unijeti samog sebe u glazbu.

Nismo baš informirani o talijanskoj glazbenoj sceni, možete li nam reći nešto više o njoj? Imate li neke lokalne bendove koji su utjecali na vas kao bend?

Ima puno dobrih bendova u Italiji, imamo odličnu underground scenu. Puno je različitih utjecaja i slušamo različite bendove. Ja sam primjerice odrastao s američkom i engleskom glazbom i teško mi je sada dati vam neki lokalni bend. Vjerujte mi, Italija je puna odličnih bendova.


Što se trenutno događa u Italiji s alternativnom glazbom, postoje li neka određena mjesta gdje ti bendovi inače nastupaju? Nabrojite nam neke.

Odlična je underground scena, puno je alternativnih bendova, primjerice Be Forest, Brothers in law, Havah i mnogi drugi.

Pretraživali smo malo ljetnu festivalsku ponudu i jedini festival u Italiji koji smo uspjeli naći je Rock in Roma. Ima li nekih drugih festivala koje volite posjećivati? Recite nam neke koje bismo trebali posjetiti.

Mislim da je najbolji festival u Italiji Ypsigrock festival na Siciliji.

Znate li nešto o hrvatskoj glazbenoj sceni?

Ne nažalost, ali bih volio više saznati. Vrlo sam znatiželjan kad je u pitanju glazba.

Kako publika reagira na vašu glazbu, je li to kao na nekakvom punk rock koncertu ili pak nešto sasvim drugačije?

Dobivamo vrlo dobre reakcije od publike na našim koncertima. Možemo osjetiti energiju koju nam pružaju, a oni mogu osjetiti našu. Odlična je to dimenzija, volimo svirati uživo.

Imate li nešto za poručiti našim čitateljima?

Htio bih vam zahvaliti za ovaj intervju jer imamo priliku podijeliti svoju glazbu. Volio bih pitati vaše čitatelje da mi pokažu neke hrvatske bendove da ih mogu poslušati. Hvala vam na svemu!

Introduce yourselves to the Croatian audience, tell us a bit more about yourselves, how did the band start playing etc. 

We are Soviet Soviet, three friends who love to play together. We come from Pesaro in Italy. We started playing in the summer of 2009.

Where does the name of the band come from, we have to say it’s a bit unusual? 

It’s not for political reasons…it’s only because we like the sound of the name and the repetition of it.

You play a very specific genre, post-punk, which was all the rage back in the eighties, where do your ideas come from? 

Our music is instinctive. At the beginning we didn’t think about the genre, we played together for one year in rehearsals and the result was this.

Do you expect for post-punk to live through some sort of comeback because there have been quite a few bands that decided to play it in a bit more modernized way, but still with quite a vintage feel? For example Savages, what do you think of them? They are quite popular these days. 

I think that’s great in music. You can play all music genres in different ways and you can put something of yours in your music. It all depends on your point of view. I like  Savages.

While we’re on the subject of post-punk, we would like to ask you what do you think of the post-punk revival (bands like Interpol, The Strokes, The Vines, etc.)?  Is it really post-punk revival or something else? Do you consider yourselves a part of that or perhaps of something else?

I can answer you with the same answer as to the previous question. I don’t like to think of genres or revival in music . There are a lot of points of view. You have a band and the band’s way of playing music. You can find influences and it’s normal because we grew up listening to a lot of CDs, vinyls… the important thing is to put a little bit of yourself in music, in your music.

We are not really that informed about the Italian music scene, could you tell us something more about it?  Are there any local bands which had an influence on you as a band? 

There are lot of very good bands in Italy, we have a great underground scene. We have different influences and we listen to different bands. But (in my case) I grew up with American and English music and it’s difficult for me to give you a name of a local band. But trust me, Italy is full of great bands.


What is currently happening in Italy with alternative music, are there some venues where new bands usually perform? Tell us about some bands you like. 

In Italy there is a great underground scene, a lot of alternative bands, for example: “Be Forest”, “Brothers in law”, “Havah” and many more.

We were checking out the summer festival scene and the only festival we managed to find on festival websites is Rock in Roma, are there any festivals you like to visit? Could you tell us about some festivals  we should check out. 

I think the best festival in Italy is “Ypsigrock Festival” in Sicily.

Do you know anything about the Croatian music scene? 

No, I’m sorry, but I would like to know more about it, I’m very curious when it comes to music.

How does the audience at your concerts react to your music, is it something like on a punk rock show or something very different?

There is a very good feedback from the audience at our concerts. We can feel the energy  from them and they can feel our energy. It’s a great dimension, we love to play live.

Would you like to say something to our readers? Feel free to talk about anything you want! 

I’d like to thank you for this interview because we have the chance to share our music. I’d like to ask your readers for some good Croatian bands so I can listen them 🙂 Thank you for everything!

Prijevod/translation: Jan Vukasović i Anja Grgurinović

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