17. siječnja 2025.

Vrijeme čitanja: < 1 minutaJedan od najvažnijih redatelja našeg doba, istinski umjetnik i vizionar, David Lynch, umro je u 79. godini.

31. prosinca 2024.

Vrijeme čitanja: 4 minuteDanas možda jesu glavni likovi memeova, svi imamo svoju najdražu „internetsku mačku”, ali mnoge su krznene loptice kroz godine bile i muze umjetnicima, nerijetko upravo piscima čiji su samotni čin pisanja upotpunjavale svojom nenametljivom prisutnošću.


“Političke ideologije u trilogiji Vitez tame” – Popis literature

Batman, vitez
Foto: Prime VIdeo
Vrijeme čitanja: 3 minute

6. Popis literature

  1. Bein, Steve (2020). Frank Miller’s Batman as Philosophy: “The World Only Makes Sense When You Force It To”. The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy.
  2. Berger, William J. (2019). Deconstructing Batman’s legitimacy: The radical political critique of Christopher Nolan’s Batman cycle. Springer eBooks(57–74)
  3. Bradley, Bill (2015). One thing you didn’t notice about Bane in “The Dark Knight Rises.” HuffPost. 11. travnja https://www.huffpost.com/entry/one-thing-you-didnt-notice-about-dark-knight-rises_n_7027762 Pristupljeno 24. kolovoza 2024.
  4. (2024). A Tale of Two Cities | Summary, characters, & facts. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/A-Tale-of-Two-Cities-novel Pristupljeno 24. kolovoza 2024.
  5. Brody, Reed (2011). Getting Away with Torture. Human Rights Watch. 12. srpnja https://www.hrw.org/report/2011/07/12/getting-away-torture/bush-administration-and-mistreatment-detainees Pristupljeno 10. lipnja 2024.
  6. Campbell, Joel R. (2022). Politics go to the movies.
  7. Chait, Jonathan (2021) Ben Shapiro’s New Book is a Glib Rationale for Trumpism. Intelligencer. 12. kolovoza https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/08/ben-shapiro-new-book-authoritarian-moment-left-trump.html Pristupljeno 28. svibnja 2024.
  8. Croci, Daniele (2016). Holy Terror, Batman! Frank Miller’s Dark Knight and the Superhero as hardboiled terrorist. Altre Modernità15(15) (str. 163–185)
  9. Daniels, Les (2004) Batman: The Complete History.
  10. Dantzler, Perry Dupre (2009). Static, yet fluctuating: The Evolution of Batman and His Audiences.
  11. Dickerson, Mark O. i dr. (2009) An introduction to government and politics: A Conceptual Approach. Cengage Learning.
  12. DiPaolo, Marc (2011). War, politics and superheroes: Ethics and Propaganda in Comics and Film. McFarland Publishing.
  13. Filipowich, Mark (2015). The fascist we deserve: The authoritarian ideology of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. Bigtallwords. 27. travnja https://bigtallwords.com/2015/04/27/the-fascist-we-deserve-the-authoritarian-ideology-of-christopher-nolans-dark-knight-trilogy/ Pristupljeno 28. svibnja 2024.
  14. Fradley, Martin (2013). What do you believe in? film scholarship and the cultural politics of the Dark Knight franchise. Film Quarterly 66 (3) (str. 15–27)
  15. Freeden, Michael (1996) Ideologies and political theory: a conceptual approach. Oxford University Press eBooks.
  16. Gleich, Mislav (2022) Charles Dickens’s “A Tale of Two Cities” and Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight Rises”: A Comparison.
  17. Goldberg, Matt (2012) Christopher and Jonathan Nolan explain how a TALE OF TWO CITIES influenced THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. Collider. 9. srpnja https://collider.com/dark-knight-rises-tale-of-two-cities/ Pristupljeno 24. kolovoza 2024.
  18. Graser, Marc i Dunkley, Cathy (2004) The bat and the beautiful Variety. 8. veljače https://variety.com/2004/biz/news/the-bat-and-the-beautiful-1117899714/ Pristupljeno 8. lipnja 2024.
  19. Halperin, Morton H. (2005) President Bush and Domestic Spying by NSA. American Progress. 16. prosinca https://www.americanprogress.org/article/president-bush-and-domestic-spying-by-nsa/ Pristupljeno 7. lipnja 2024.
  20. Hubbard, Ruth (2022) Healthy ageing outcomes in superheroes: Batman. Faculty of Medicine – University of Queensland. 8. ožujka https://medicine.uq.edu.au/blog/2022/03/healthy-ageing-outcomes-superheroes-batmanHubbard, 2022 Pristupljeno 5. lipnja 2024.
  21. Johnson, Vilja (2014) “It’s What You Do that Defines You:” Christopher Nolan’s Batman as Moral Philosopher. The Journal of Popular Culture47(5) (str. 952–967)
  22. Labuza, Peter (2010) Billion Dollar Noir: Christopher Nolan and the reconstruction of film noir in Hollywood. DergiPark (Istanbul University)
  23. Leite, Marcelo (2022) The Dark Knight: Every Origin Theory For Ledger’s Joker. ScreenRant. 10. lipnja https://screenrant.com/dark-knight-heath-ledger-joker-origins-theories/ Pristupljeno 18. kolovoza 2024.
  24. Machin, David i Mayr, Andrew (2012) How to do Ccritical Discourse Analysis: A Multimodal Introduction.
  25. McSweeney, Terence (2020) The contemporary superhero film. Columbia University Press eBooks.
  26. Medrano, Karen (2019) He’s the Hero We Deserve: Batman as a Figure of Dominant Masculinity.
  27. Parrish, Robin (2016) The best movie trilogies of all time. Screen Rant. 29. lipnja https://web.archive.org/web/20160702001439/http://screenrant.com/best-film-movie-trilogies-ever-all-time/ Pristupljeno 9. lipnja 2024.
  28. Pearson, Roberta i dr. (2015)  Many More Lives of the Batman.
  29. Peaty, James (2023). The Dark Knight Rises: the history of Bane. Den of Geek. listopada https://www.denofgeek.com/comics/the-dark-knight-rises-the-history-of-bane/ Pristupljeno 24. kolovoza 2024.
  30. Picariello, Damien K. i dr. (2019). Politics in GothamThe Batman Universe and Political Thought. Springer eBooks.
  31. Podhoretz, John (2012). Evil undone. Washington Examiner – Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/magazine/1346416/evil-undone/ Pristupljeno 12. lipnja 2024.
  32. Ravlić, Slaven (2003) Suvremene političke ideologije. Zagreb: Politička kultura.
  33. Russell, Jesse (2022). Defending the status quo in The Dark Knight RisesEuropean Journal of American Studies17(2).
  34. Russell, Jesse (2023). The political Christopher Nolan: Liberalism and the Anglo-American Vision. Rowman & Littlefield.
  35. Shapiro, Ben (2012) **SPOILER ALERT**: TDKR magnificent . . . and most conservative film ever. Breitbart. 20. srpnja https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2012/07/20/spoiler-alert-tdkr-most-conservative-movie-ever/ Pristupljeno 11. lipnja 2024.
  36. Spanakos, Anthony Petros (2019) The Dark Prince of the Republic: Machiavelli, Batman and the Gotham City. U: Picariello, Damien K. (ur) Politics in Gotham: The Batman Universe and Political Thought (str. 91-105) Springer eBooks.
  37. Stolworthy, Jacob (2023) Martin Scorsese: Killers of the Flower Moon director says plethora of comic book movies are ‘danger’ to culture. The Independent. 27. rujna https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/martin-scorsese-comic-book-marvel-b2418166.html Pristupljeno 24. kolovoza 2024.
  38. Šalaj, Berto (2012). Suvremeni populizam. Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva 9 (1) (str. 21-49)
  39. Van Amerongen-Kruisselbrink, Lars (2020). The Psychological Complexity of Batman, the Joker and their Relationship in the Dark Age of Comics. University of Agder, Kristiansand
  40. van Zoonen, Liesbet (2005). Entertaining the citizen: when politics and popular culture converge. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
  41. Variety (2003) Variety.  27. siječnja https://variety.com/2003/film/news/batman-captures-director-nolan-1117879566/ Pristupljeno 17. kolovoza 2024.
  42. Vrtič, Ivana i Car, Viktorija (2016) Manipulacija u medijskom diskursu: kritička analiza diskursa naslova najposjećenijih hrvatskih online medija o hrvatskoj predsjednici Kolindi Grabar-Kitarović U: Car, Viktorija; Matović, Marijana i Turčilo, Lejla (ur.). Mediji i javni interes (str. 145-165) Zagreb: Zaklada Hanns Seidel; Fakultet političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
  43. White, Rachel E. i drugi (2016) The “Batman effect”: improving perseverance in young children. Child Development 88(5) (str. 1563–1571)
  44. Williams, S. Taylor (2012) “Holy PTSD, Batman!:” An analysis of the psychiatric symptoms of Bruce Wayne. Academic Psychiatry, 36(3) 252.
  45. Yilmaz, Göral Erinç i Fundalar, Serkan (2022). Constructing and deconstructing the modern hero in the Dark Knight Trilogy.SAGE Open, 12(4) 1-11
  46. Zorko, Marta (2007). Suvremeni fundamentalizam*. Međunarodne studije VII(1) (str. 72-94)
  47. Žižek, Slavoj (2012) “Dictatorship of the Proletariat in Gotham City.” DiePresse. 11. kolovoza diepresse.com/1277571/dictatorship-of-the-proletariat-in-gotham-city. Pristupljeno 24. kolovoza 2024.

Filmovi/jedinice analize

  1. „Batman: Početak“ (2005.)
  2. „Vitez tame“ (2008.)
  3. „Vitez tame: Povratak“ (2012.)
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