Rasputin, Burly Man, Changing Seasons: Filmovi koje ste sigurno gledali, ali pod drugim nazivom
Film Prime Directive pod režijom Michaela Baya imao je superiorne specijalne efekte. Franšiza Genre osigurala je Harrisonu Fordu kultni status, dok je čovjek-šišmiš napravio spektakularni comeback u The Intimidation Game. Vjerojatno se pitate, ako su ovo blockbusteri, zašto niste nikada čuli za njih. Ovo su ustvari kodni nazivi za neke od holivudskih filmova. Npr. ako posjedujete DVD od Back to the Future II, možete vidjeti naziv Paradox napisan istim fontom u posebnim dodacima. Harry Potter and the Chamber tf Secrets je za vrijeme snimanja filmskoj ekipi bio poznat pod imenom Incident on 57th Street, što je i ime stare Springsteenove pjesme.
Zašto se to radi?
Ponekad je razlog taj što se producenti plaše da im netko ne ukrade naziv filma, prije nego on bude izbačen na tržište. Kod snimanja nastavaka popularne franšize, takvi se potezi vuku kako bi neometano snimali na javnom mjestu, bez nepoželjnih uperenih očiju okoline. Bilo kako bilo, slijedi popis nekoliko filmova koji su koristili kodna imena tijekom snimanja.
Iron Man 2 – Rasputin
Matrix Reloaded – Burly Man
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring – Changing Seasons
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King – Till Death, For Glory
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers – Grand Tour
Transformers – Prime Directive
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystall Skull – Genre
Batman Begins – The Intimidation Game
Batman Returns – Dictel
The Dark Knight – Rory’s First Kiss
Alien vs Predator: Requiem – Colorado Nights
2012 – Farewell Atlantis
Star Trek – Corporate Headquarters
Spider-Man 3 – Half Dead
Titanic – Planet Ice
2001: A Space Odyssey – How the Solar System Was Won
Alien – Star Beast
Angels and Demons – Obelisk
Avatar – Project 880
Back to the Future Part III – Three
Cloverfield – Cheese, Clover and Slusho
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial – A Boy’s Life
Evan Almighty – Bruce: The Second Coming
Scary Movie – Last Summer I Screamed Because Halloween Fell on Friday the 13th i Scream If You Know What I Did Last Halloween
The Simpsons Movie – Yellow Harvest
Snakes on a Plane – Snakes on a Plane
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi – Blue Harvest
Superman Returns – Red Sun
War of the Worlds – Party in Fresno